KING’S CROWN Kräutertee Fenchel-Anis-Kümmel


  • USD: 4.32$


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KING’S CROWN herbal tea fennel-anise-caraway

The creation of fennel, anise and caraway is a delight for young and old.

It has a particularly mild taste and is therefore particularly suitable for consumption after a meal.

Harmonious, tasty herbal composition
Without metal clip

Legally required product name

Herbal tea


Fennel, caraway, anise.

Storage and use conditions

Store in a cool, dry place.


Important note: Always pour boiling water over it and let it steep for at least 5-6 minutes!

This is the only way to ensure that you get a safe food!KING'S CROWN Kräutertee Fenchel-Anis-Kümmel


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