Covid-19-Impfung Antikörper Test Corona-Impfstatus, 1 St


  • USD: 50.51$

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Covid-19 vaccination antibody test corona vaccination status, 1 pc

  • The sample can be taken at home using the test kit
    The laboratory evaluation takes place in the accredited medical laboratory (according to DIN EN ISO 15189)The cerascreen® COVID-19 vaccination antibody test Corona vaccination status is a test kit for the determination of two different antibodies of the IgG class against the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). Antibodies are measured against S1 spike proteins (anti-S1 antibodies), which can be detected after a COVID-19 vaccination, as well as antibodies against nucleocapsid proteins (anti-NP antibodies), which can be detected after a COVID-19 vaccination. Infection are detectable.

Package insert

You can conveniently download the package insert as a PDF here: Package insert

Storage instructions

Storage between 2 ° C and 30 ° C

Mandatory information

Exact product name:
The cerascreen COVID-19 vaccination antibody test is a sampling and sending kit for the determination of IgG antibodies against the S1 protein and the nucleocapsid protein of SARS-CoV-2. Have your blood checked for antibodies after vaccination against SARS-CoV-2. The sample is evaluated in vitro in our specialized cerascreen diagnostics partner laboratory.

Covid-19-Impfung Antikörper Test Corona-Impfstatus, 1 St


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