Mivolis Ovulations-Test 10 St


  • USD: 19.94$



Mivolis ovulation test 10 pieces

  • To determine the fertile days
    High sensitivity
    Fast: results in just 3 minutes
    Over 99% reliability

Mivolis ovulation test to determine ovulation (LH). 10 test sticks for self-use at home.

The Mivolis Ovulation Test stick test is an immunochromatography assay for the qualitative detection of luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine to detect ovulation.

Ovulation is the moment when an egg is released from the ovary.

The egg is then taken up by the fallopian tube.

Fertilization can occur in the fallopian tube.

The egg must be fertilized by a sperm within 24 hours of being released for pregnancy to occur.

Immediately before ovulation, the body produces a large amount of luteinizing hormone (LH).

This hormone triggers the release of a mature egg from the ovary.

This “LH surge” normally occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

The Mivolis ovulation test is a system for predicting the time of ovulation and thus the time of peak fertility.

During this fertile period, pregnancy is most likely to occur.

The Mivolis ovulation test is a lateral flow immunoassay for the qualitative detection of the LH surge in urine.

A surge indicates ovulation
in the next 24-36 hours.

The test selectively detects elevated LH concentrations using a combination of antibodies, including a monoclonal LH antibody.

Important: The LH surge and ovulation may not occur in all menstrual cycles.

The urine sample flows forward in a flat manner on the test due to capillary forces.

In the presence of human LH (hLH), an immunological reaction takes place between hLH and labeled anti-hLH antibodies.

This reaction causes the Test line.

Depending on the LH concentration, the test line becomes lighter or darker.

Other labeled antibodies are present on the control line.

This reaction serves as proof that the test strip is being used and functioning properly.

This method is called “immunochromatography”.
How the result is determined and interpreted requires a thorough reading of the instructions for use.
All details should be understood before the test is carried out.


– 10 test sticks (LH 30 mlU/mL) in a foil pouch
– 1 instruction manual
You will also need:
– 1 watch for time recording
– 1 clean container for collecting urine (if necessary)

Mivolis Ovulations-Test 10 St


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