Doppelherz Artischocke-mariendistel system Weichk. 60 St


  • USD: 26.00$

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Doppelherz artichoke milk thistle system soft. 60 pcs

To support the liver-bile system

• Concentrate of up to 2000 mg milk thistle and 187.5 mg artichoke

• Artichoke promotes bile activity and fat digestion

• Milk thistle to strengthen and stimulate the liver

Whether it’s breakfast, lunch or dinner – whenever we eat a fatty meal, the bile produced in the liver is required.

Together with other digestive juices, it ensures that fat from food is broken down and can thus be used by the body.

Normally we are hardly aware of these processes

– only when the liver and gallbladder are overwhelmed can unpleasant digestive problems such as a feeling of fullness, upper abdominal pain, constipation or flatulence occur.

As a Forsa survey (*Forsa survey commissioned by the ABDA, 2015) shows, 7 out of 10 Germans suffer from gastrointestinal complaints, the cause of which is often a high-fat diet – primarily animal-based foods.

Artichoke and milk thistle can help support digestive function as they strengthen the liver-bile system.

Both plants belong to the daisy family, grow up to 1.5 m tall and have thick, branched stalks with violet flowers.

Beyond external similarities, both medicinal plants are traditionally used to support the digestive function.

Artichoke and milk thistle – combined plant power for digestive problems

The artichoke leaves are medicinally effective.

Due to their valuable ingredients, they are said to have a stimulating effect on the production of bile, which is said to have a positive effect on active fat digestion.

In this way, digestive problems can be prevented and an unpleasant feeling of fullness can also subside.

The medicinal plant milk thistle (Silybum marianum) was already cultivated in monastery gardens in the Middle Ages and has since been used to treat digestive problems such as a feeling of fullness and flatulence.

Its fruits are considered medicinally effective, as they provide secondary plant substances that are interesting for the digestive tract.

It is assumed that these ingredients “seal” the liver cells against external pollutants by stabilizing the cell membranes.

This strengthens the overall function of the liver, activates the formation of the important bile secretion and supports the liver’s detoxification function.


Doppelherz Artischocke-mariendistel system Weichk. 60 St


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