Grünspecht Fingerzahnbürste natürlich, Naturkautschuk 1 St


  • USD: 8.72$




Grünspecht finger toothbrush, natural, natural rubber 1 piece

  • One size
    Packaged in workshops for people with disabilities
    Without BPA and phthalates
    For gentle tooth cleaning/gum massage for babies/toddlers


The natural finger toothbrush made of natural rubber from Grünspecht is intended for gentle tooth cleaning and gum massage for babies/toddlers, adults and people in need of care.

It can also be used to clean the tongue.

Recommended age: From 6 months


Important safety instructions!

For the safety of your child – ATTENTION! Not a toy.

It may only be used by adults and, in the case of people in need of care, by nursing staff.

Before using it, make sure that the finger toothbrush is firmly in place in the mouth.

Note that some people may be allergic to natural rubber.

If you notice allergic reactions when using the finger toothbrush, do not continue to use the finger toothbrush under any circumstances.

Check the finger toothbrush for damage before and after use.

Dispose of the finger toothbrush at the first signs of damage, e.g. cracks, changes in shape or detachment of the material.

Do not put the finger toothbrush in the freezer!

Do not expose the finger toothbrush to direct sunlight, heat or continuous moisture.

Avoid contact with fatty substances.

Note that using the finger toothbrush with toothpaste can make it slightly sticky.

This is not a sign of accelerated aging, but is due to the dental care product.

Instructions for use

Pull the finger toothbrush over a suitable finger.

Use the bristle side to clean your teeth and the side with the knobs and strips to massage your gums and clean your tongue.

Storage instructions

Allow the finger toothbrush to air dry and store it in a dry and hygienic place.

Do not expose the finger toothbrush to direct sunlight, heat or continuous moisture.

Avoid contact with fatty substances.

Grünspecht Fingerzahnbürste natürlich, Naturkautschuk 1 St


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