KING’S CROWN Kräutertee Minze-Ingwer


  • USD: 4.96$


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KING’S CROWN herbal tea mint-ginger

Two popular taste experiences celebrate their rendezvous in this tea.

The refreshing mint is one of the most popular herbs in Europe.

The spicy, spicy ginger root is a versatile and extremely popular spice.

The combination makes this herbal tea a favorite drink.

with curly mint, peppermint and ginger

without metal clip

Legally required product name

Herbal tea with mint and ginger


Curly mint (16%), peppermint (15%), rooibos, nettles, ginger (12%), blackberry leaves, sweet blackberry leaves, lemongrass, elderflower, cinnamon, ginseng.

Use, storage and use

Store in a cool, dry place.


Important note: Always pour boiling water over it and let it steep for at least 5-6 minutes!

This is the only way to ensure safe food!

KING'S CROWN Kräutertee Minze-Ingwer


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