Bad Heilbrunner Kindertee, Bio Gute Nacht Tee (8 Beutel) 14 g


  • USD: 4.11$


Bad Heilbrunner children’s tea, organic good night tea (8 bags) 14 g  

  • Product description  
  • Herbal tea for children
  • Organic quality
  • Prepares to fall asleep
  • From 12 months


Mild: The Bad Heilbrunner organic good night tea for children has a recipe that is optimally tailored to the needs and tastes of children to get them in the mood for falling asleep. Lemon balm and lavender flowers are popular herbs that help you fall asleep in the evening.

Delicate linden and orange blossoms refine this tea. The special herbal mixture is tailored to children’s taste with naturally mild fennel and licorice root. For children from 12 months.

Information about the sustainability of the product

This product has an environmental or sustainability certification or seal. With this information on sustainability we would like to make it easier for you to consume more (environmentally) consciously. We selected the certifications/seals together with NABU (Naturschutzbund Deutschland e. V.).

Usage instructions

Please ensure you have a varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

To protect against tooth damage, please do not allow your child to use the bottle for continuous sucking, as a pacifier or as a sleep aid. Hold the bottle yourself. Get your child used to drinking from the cup by the end of the 1st year of life. Ensure regular dental care right from the first tooth.


Exact product name:

Organic herbal tea with lemon balm, lavender and orange blossom Ingredients*: Fennel, lemon balm (18%), anise, peppermint, licorice root, lavender flowers (2%), lime blossoms, orange blossoms (1%). *all ingredients from controlled organic farming. Please note the information on allergens.


Contains no allergenic ingredients that require labeling. 


Important note: Always pour boiling water on top and let it steep for at least 5 – 10 minutes! This is the only way to get safe food! After brewing, you have to let the tea cool down before drinking it so that it is only warm and your child doesn’t get scalded by it. Please always prepare the tea fresh and do not sweeten it. Take 1 filter bag per cup (200 ml).

Storage instructions

Notes: Store protected from light, cool and dry!

Bad Heilbrunner Kindertee, Bio Gute Nacht Tee (8 Beutel) 14 g


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