Bad Heilbrunner Kindertee, Husten-Bronchial Tee (8 Beutel) 12 g


  • USD: 4.30$


Bad Heilbrunner children’s tea, cough bronchial tea (8 bags) 12 g 

Product description 

  • Medicinal tea for children
  • Antitussive and soothing
  • Usable from 12 months


The Bad Heilbrunner organic cough bronchial tea for children supports with symptoms of bronchitis.

It is also used to relieve irritation in catarrhs ​​of the upper respiratory tract with a dry cough.

Mandatory notices

Active ingredients: linden blossom, anise, thyme

Areas of application: Children from 12 months

For symptoms of bronchitis and to relieve irritation in catarrhs ​​of the upper airways with a dry cough.

Active ingredient concentration: 1 filter bag of 1.5 g contains as active ingredients:

0.90 g linden blossom

0.45 g anise

0.15 g thyme

Dosage form: filter bag – tea

Exact product designation:

Medicinal tea for oral use after preparing a tea infusion

Instructions for use

Intended use: For symptoms of bronchitis and to relieve irritation in catarrhs ​​of the upper respiratory tract with a dry cough.

The medicinal tea should no longer be used after the expiration date.


Active ingredients by type and quantity: 1 filter bag of 1.5 g contains as active ingredients: 0.90 g linden blossom, 0.45 g aniseed, 0.15 g thyme.

Storage Instructions

Notes: Do not store above 25 °C and only in the original packaging in order to protect from light and moisture. Keep out of the reach of children.Bad Heilbrunner Kindertee, Husten-Bronchial Tee (8 Beutel) 12 g


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