alverde NATURKOSMETIK Deo Zerstäuber Deodorant Wasserminze Meeresmineralien 75 ml


  • USD: 5.94$



alverde NATURKOSMETIK deodorant spray deodorant water mint sea minerals 75 ml

Effective deodorant spray

Protects against body odor for up to 24 hours Leaves no white residue

Certified natural cosmetics

Free from aluminum salts

Would you like reliable protection against body odor?

Then try the deodorant spray from alverde NATURKOSMETIK.

Thanks to sea minerals and a complex of active ingredients, the deodorant spray has a long-lasting fresh scent that lasts for up to 24 hours.

In addition, the atomizer leaves no white marks on clothing.

Free of aluminum salts, the deodorant is gentle on the skin.

Step outside the door with the deodorant sprayer carefree and well protected.

Product characteristics: natural cosmetics

alverde NATURKOSMETIK Deo Zerstäuber Deodorant Wasserminze Meeresmineralien 75 ml


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