KING’S CROWN Kräutertee 9 Kräuter


  • USD: 4.94$


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KING’S CROWN herbal tea 9 herbs

In Europe alone there are around 15,000 edible wild plants.

We enjoy the leaves and flowers of these plants fresh or dried in herbal teas, among other things.

Nine of these herbs were selected and combined for this tea.

This makes your tea enjoyment harmonious and tasty – at any time of day.

finely balanced mixture of selected herbs
without metal clip

Legally required product name

Herbal tea mixture


Peppermint (30%), lemongrass (25%), rooibos, fennel (8%), chamomile (5%), blackberry leaves (4%), lemon balm (4%), silver linden blossoms, lemon verbena (1%).

Use, storage and application

Store in a cool, dry place.


Always pour boiling water over the tea and let it steep for at least 5-6 minutes!

This is the only way to ensure safe food!

KING'S CROWN Kräutertee 9 Kräuter


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