NanoRepro Zuhause Test Eisenmangel Anwendung 1 St.


  • USD: 14.58$


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NanoRepro home test iron deficiency 1 application 1 pc.

Check your ferritin levels

Uncomplicated and reliable

The NanoRepro homeTEST iron deficiency is a rapid test for the detection of the ferritin content in human blood serum.

Iron is stored in ferritin.

Therefore, the ferritin content in the blood serum is an important laboratory parameter for the total iron stores.

There can be various causes for iron deficiency.

The need for iron increases during growth and increases during pregnancy and lactation.

Athletes occasionally experience iron deficiency due to increased sweating.

A vegetarian diet can also cause iron deficiency.

NanoRepro Zuhause Test Eisenmangel 1 Anwendung 1 St


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